Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Should I get a rabbit? Questions inside...?

I am considering getting a rabbit.. I want to know ups and downs from people who have or have had a rabbit.

Thanks... I also want info like how expensive they are and the types of stuff you have to do..

I have a rabbit, she is a mini rex. She is alot of fun. You can potty train them so you can let them run lose in the room that you are in and make sure they dont chew on cords and such. She is actually quite affectionate at times but mostly she is just crazy, jumping around and spazing out. It is hilarious. She is a female so sometimes she can get cranky and growl and lurch at you. Their nails to grow pretty fast so you have to cut them, this can be a pain for most people who have bunnies. They dont seem to like getting their nails trimmed. Some also will bite. Those are the only downs I can think of about my rabbit. I am hoping to get a netherland dwarf kit in a few months so that my rabbit can have a buddy and so that I can hopefully train it to accept the nail clippers. I got my rabbit for 5.50 at an auction. But most rabbits go from anywhere from 10 dollars to 75 in the paper and most pet stores like pet smart sell them for 100. I would get one out of the paper so you are gauranteed the breed you want. The are hard to tell how big they will get when they are babies unless you know the breed.
The need their cage cleaned once a week. Their cage should have a solid floor not wire as it hurts their feet. Their cage should be a minimum of 6 times their adult size. They should have chew toys available to them at all times. My rabbit has a parrot toy attached to her cage that she can chew on, it has a bell so it makes noise when she chews on it. She also has a puzzle ball that she loves to throw around, and another chew toy. They also have to have hay available to them at all times, this is the main part of their diet and the pellets is just an additive to fininsh meeting the nutrition requirements. They love timothy hay. You can also give them treats like carrots, celery, fruits, and mine seem to love milk bone dog biscuits. You should let them out of their cage for exercise atleast 1 hour a day if you can.
I am in college and dont think they are all that expensive. The cage I bought for her was $60 (a one time purchase), the hay we give her is $6 for a fairly big bag at Target (this is a once a month purchase), her pellets are $13 for a 50lb bag (this lasts about 5 months for one rabbit), and her bedding is $5 for a 40lb bag of pelleted pine (I only have to buy about 2 bags a month) and her toys can range from $2 to $5 but they are also toys that last a long time. You aslo have to get a dish for the food which I think mine was $4 and a hay rack also $4 and a waterbottle which was $5. So after you get the initial cost of the cage, accessories, and the bunny the rabbit should only cost you about $20 a month. I also have 4 mice and a hamster too and I am in college and they are not too expensive.
Buns are awesome. They have unique problems and rewards.
They are quite exensive, rivaling the cost of a small dog or cat.
no. because their messy , they stink but they are cheap your choice but i wouldn't get one.
a rabbit can be a great pet they need lots of different foods in thier diet . a rabbit needs pellets and timothy hay at all times. they also eat lots of veggies and fruits romaine lettuce (never give iceberg lettuce) , parsley, celery, carrots and many more . bananas papaya pineapple are some fruits. never use cedar chips in with your rabbit it can cause liver damage. the only downside with a rabbit is they poop and pee alot so happy cleaning. check out this site and they will give you a full list of what you need to know. goodluck
a rabbit from the pet store can cost around $80-$150, but I always bought mine from farmers for $15-$20...rabbits are fun...but it's hard to tell you the ups and downs if I don't know how much you actually know about rabbits.If I assume you know nothing then there is just too much to say, however if I assume you know something then I still don't know what it is you do and don't know.however I suggest this link for basic care and knowledge:
good luck!
Rabbits are great pets, with the right owner.

They are expensive to keep. Cages range from 25-200 dollars, timothy hay 3-12 dollars, pellets 5-15 dollars.

They require a ton of cleaning, I clean mine every other day, and I have 20!

Adults tend to spray and mark territory with feces if they're not fixed.

Rabbits bore easily, and can be a bit destructive. They do not make good pets for children, as they scratch hard and can bite.

They're entertaining to watch, %26 can be litter trained.
i wouldnt get another rabbit. i think they stink and are not very nice. they can get sick very easly if kept out side too. i got a chinchilla and i LOVE him!!! they live a LOT longer and are really friendly and dont stink at all!!! they dont eat very much at all and will folow u around if u have a treat. they are kinda expensive but its really worth it!!
Rabbits are o.k.of because if you give it a cage and you put a tray on the botton when it goes you can clean it.Also Rabbit aren't very playful too.
We used to have rabbits and I do miss them. They are quiet (they don't bark or yowl--unless they are scared to death (literally)). If they have been raised as pets they are people friendly and will interact with you, lie next to you or even in your lap, get happy when they see you after a long day at work. Most of them, if you take the time, can be taught to use a litter box like a cat. They make 2 different kinds of poops, one that is dry and hard which sometimes just pop out of them (and they don't always seem to have much control over that) but they are easy to sweep up; and they make a stickier, stinkier type that they generally will eat (to reingest the bacteria their digestive tract needs to function). If they are given the space and good enough traction surface (like carpeting), they will sometimes get this spurt of energy and go bouncing around, jumping in the air and twisting around, flipping head over heels, etc. Truly amusing to see them being that happy and trusting.

The cons are they need to chew to keep their teeth ground down--and they'll chew on everything so you have to be diligent about putting electrical cords, plants, surfaces with finishes that might poison them, etc. out of their way always. My dwarf bunnies would jump onto the chairs pushed in under the dining table, gnawed on the underside of the table and completely tore up the chair padding. They also chewed up the baseboards in the area they lived in, and chewed all the corners.

Also, if you get a bunny, choose one that has no health problems--it'll make a big difference. There are House Rabbit Societies all over the place these days (do a search, check their website to see if you have one near you) where you can adopt healthy rabbits of all types. If you keep them inside, they won't need shots. Like cats, they keep themselves clean so can get hairballs (canned pumpkin pie stuff without the spices and milk usually tastes real good to them and helps pass the hairballs). Give them lots of chew toys (they sell stuff at a good pet store for bunnies and ferrets and other critters that chew). They can make wonderful pets but make sure you aren't allergic. Also make sure your local vet can handle care of a rabbit in case yours ever needs a doctor. If there's a House Rabbit Society near you, talk to them, they have tons of info.
the BIGGEST MISUNDERSTANDING. Is that rabbits are easy pets to take care of, and don't require much attention.

i have had my rabbit for almost 7 years, and i have to say he is the best pet i've ever had, and possibly will remain that way.

BUT they require a lot of work. if you plan on keeping your bun in a hutch outside, forget it. if you would keep your bun inside it would need to have some time to run around. my bun is out 24/7(except @ night), free roam of the reason why he's lived so long.

rabbits can be litter trained fairly easily. but are VERY destructive. you will have to wrap all of your wires, cover books, carpets, etc. my rabbit ate our leather couch, very bad. they'll pretty much nibble anything they can get.

they also are somewhat costly. if you get a female, it MUST be spayed by the time it's 2, or it has an 80% chance of dying from uterine cancer. males are also recomended, mine wasn't and he sprays everywhere now.

but yeah, my bunny is amazing, the cons are so minimal to the pros. he's really like a dog, so much personality. i hope this helped. buns are amazing pets when taken care of. think about this and i'm sure you'll know whether they're right for you.
Become educated first.
Check out the American Rabbit Breeders Assoc. for all your questions. This is the oldest rabbit organization in the USA.
Consider what size and weight bunny you might want
10lb and above, 4lb or less or in between those two?
Good Luck.

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