Rats are great pets...
They don't need much and they are very easy to tame and train.
They don't cost much money to take care of or to buy, the most expensive part is their cage setup...
For younger children, they make great pets, that help teach responsibility.
Here are some sites if you are intrested...
Hope this helps...GOOD LUCK!!!
why are you in such a hurry? get a fish. apparently you aren't ready for a dog or a cat. they require patience.
Cats,hamsters and fish.
a bearded dragon
Gerbals, Hampsters, fish, maybe a cat or dog. I got my own dog at about 13 but dogs are my life, They are a big commitment, and you have to make sure it won't be some fad with them. They have to understand that animals are living things and can't just be thrown away like any other toy...
Depends on how responsible your child(ren) are. Cats, Dogs, Fish, Hamsters, Rats, there are multiple animals out there who need good homes. The best thing I can tell you is to think hard about your child(ren) and how responsible they are and also whether or not you are prepared to go behind them if they do not do what they are supposed to. Go to a pet store or the animal shelter and see what looks like a good match. Remember they don't have to make a decision immediatley let them pick what they want and do research on it to see if they are prepared to become responsible owners.
A hamster if you only want a pet for a couple of years and a guinea pig if you want a pet for awhile.
Walking Stick bug
Bearded dragon
Hermit Crabs
Fiddler Crab
pacman frog
Anole Lizard (inexpensive too!)
gecko lizard
Well, with a comment like "people who think I'm not mature entough zip it," I'd say you aren't mature enough for a gerbil!
cats, hamsters, dogs, gerbils, and rabbits.
gerbils, guinea pigs, rats, or rabbits.
if you want to get really simple get some fish. not from wal-mart though because those fish are really unhealthy.
You shouldn't own a pet if you are in that much of a hurry to get one. Impulsion is not the way to go.
anything really
(If I were you I would let the kids pick it out they will probably be mad if you pick theyre pet)
I recommend a hammie or bunny. Both are soft and furry. Not so much cuddly but you can still pet them! I have found my relationships with hammies very sucessful and rewarding. I even love them more than some people at my school. I'm turning twelve soon.
cats and dogs usualy live over 10yrs so If they r going off 2 college you will b stuck with them. how bout a hamster they live about 2-5yrs
Almost any pet at a pet store. At 11-13 you should be able to care for animals especially if you already have some pets.
I think a guinea pig is a good pet. They are easy to care for and relatively inexpensive. They are also fun. They tend to be better than a hamster as far as biting goes. It would be a great way to teach responsibility!
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