Saturday, May 22, 2010

What are frogs like as pets?

It's much more fun to catch tadpoles and watch them change into frogs then let them go. Best to catch them late in their process so you can just watch the change and not worry about food: keep them about a day and everyone's happy. Frogs are okay. Not terribly exciting but also not terribly icky. Their skin is amphibian moist and cool and they smell froggy.
Boring. Get a dog.
they are pretty cool, they dont always do alot and it feel like your just feeding them and nothing else but we have a couple and they are alright
Frogs are cool pets for me they don't really give you warts in fact I've never gotten a wart. But sometimes when you hold um there slimy. but still fun but mine ran away and got run over.
They are relly cool! Sometimes you can croak they croak back. Firebelly toads only grow to the size of a normal frog and are bright orange and black on the botom. They also have webded feet.
disgusting and nasty. I hate frogs. I like to step on them. But I'm not mean, I'm just a princessy girl who hates disgusting things.
they easily die...

plus they are easy to dissect.. hahaha!:p

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