Monday, May 24, 2010

What are the pros and cons of having a hedgehog as a pet?

Pros- They are cute, pretty calm, dont bite (usually), when properly handled they are friendly, they are fun to watch and can be playful. They don't smell as strongly as other small animals (if kept clean).

Cons- Broken legs are very common, and they are less hardy than other small animals, these things lead to vets bills and vets that work with hedgies are hard to find. They have spines that can prick, but they dont hurt that bad. They are noctournal (this can be a plus though if you stay up most nights). They can also get things such as mites but they arn't 'full of fleas' like someone above said..

If you get a hedgehog buy from a breeder to ensure a healthy and friendly hedgie, if you buy from a pet store it is possible to still get a nice animal, just it will need more handeling and may have more health issues. Also hedgehogs can be perfectly happy in captivity as long as you care for it correctly. They are harder to take care of than animals like rats, hamsters, or guinea pigs, but they do make nice pets.
he'll eat all the slugs in your garden
They are a wild animal , hard to feed , full of fleas generally and it would be cruel to isolate it from other Hogs and also depriving it of the opportunity to breed
It will bite you and give you rabies.
I own two hedgehogs and I can tell you that they are wonderful pets. Pros are, hedgehogs don't smell, they're very loveable despite the quills, and they're very funny when they're wheeling away in their wheels. They do require some patience sometimes until they get used to you. Really, in my opinion, the only real cons about hedgehogs is you do get poked by their quills sometimes and get bit. Like rats/hamsters/mice have to becareful with food on your hands/scented soaps/etc. The other thing is you may have research vets in your area. Just because they're a small animal vet doesn't mean they deal with hedgehogs. If you're interested in further information, I've included a link to a wonderful website with tons of information on hedgehog diets, health, etc.
From previous answers, seems people are confusing european hedgehogs(illegal in u.s) with african pygmy hedgehogs.
they dont take up much room and there quite clean


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