Saturday, May 22, 2010

Well,i love animals and i want to be something that has to do with them but i dont know what!?!?!?!?

i want to work with them and love them but being s vet is not something i would want to be because i might have to put the animal to sleep or preform sergery.
What about doing documentaries for animals?
studding them?
is a wow adventure 200%
not even one dole moment !!
Being a vet is also alot of schooling...maybe a vet's assistant. If that doesn't interest you, you can look into being a DNR agent or conservation officer
save animals by become a foster owner to animals who need a home and need to be trained so they can find better homes, or just be an animal trainer
you could work at a zoo or a rescue humane society...working at a zoo you might have to do some poo picking up though. you could hand out flyers in your neighborhood about dog or cat sitting or taking their dogs for walks.
I feel the same way could never watch an animal die but I absolutely love animals.if you are looking for a college major go into can work with a certain type of animal or be a trainer at a zoo or travel and learn about animals (research).
Work at a no-kill shelter. They need fundraisers, office, walkers, pretty much every kind of job. Best of all, no animals get put to sleep unless they are so ill it is necessary.
You can work at an animal shelter!
or a zoo...
I feel the same way. I am a true animal lover but could never be a veterinarian b/c of the whole euthinization process. There are other options though, like office work at a veterinary clinic, animal shelters that have a no kill policy, maybe even a pet store or zoo.
You could always try working at a humaine society. You meet amazing people and who knows... you may end up owning a new pet.
Go onto Zoology. That is what I would like to do. On the San Diego Zoo web site they give you some tips about how to get started.
Maybe you could look into volunteer positions in your area dealing with animals. I know, you're looking for a career, but investing a little time in volunteering would give you a taste of what working in that situation would be like, and maybe give you some direction as to what you would like to pursue. This is how I became involved in my job now, doing animal care for a Non-profit organization and caring for bats (and a sloth, who is very cute). It might mean making a short term commitment to something, but the experience would be priceless.
umm why dont you work in the foresty department
or train animals
ive always thought that would be fun
i myself want to be a vet
you could be a vet tech...they just take blood look at stuff through the microscope diagnose disese etc
or a vet assistant and that name pretty much expalins what they do
Why not just be a responsible pet owner?

If you are unable to be a vet, you do not want to be most things to do with critters! Once you see what people do to animals you can never unsee it.

Maybe a trainer? But at some point and time you may see some cruel things if working with the public.
Good luck!
F. F. A. which stands for Future Farmers of America
4-H which stand for Head Heart Hands and Health.
is two choices.
work at an animal preservation! I think it would be very rewarding for you. Usually they are put in their natural habitat, roaming freely as they do in the wild! Check out the many jobs here:
Good question, I asked myself the same question quite awhile back. Everyone said to be a vet, but I couldn't put them to sleep either. I am currently in school to be a zoologist, which is a person who studies animals. You could be a zoo curator, eradicate pest species, work with the DNR, work with the EPA, work as an animal creulty agent, etc. There are many "sub" parts to zoology, such as, herptology the study of reptiles %26 amphibiams, etc. you could also be a groomer, trainer, breeder, start your own pet shop, board animals, photograph them, work with endangered species, etc. Think about what other things you like, and see if you can tie that into an animal career.
I felt the same way..
I decided no on vet school and decided to become a licensed Vet-tech %26 I love it!!!
U don't have to perform surgery, but you will have to euthanize animals once in a while. usually the animals that are euthanized in the feild are way sick and they are suffering..
But I'll tell ya the last 1 1/2 yrs of my life have been the most exciting and rewarding!!
good luck!
I am exactly like you! Same problem too but to help define your search a bit, dog trainer, wildlife management, zoology... check with your local wildlife conservation, they might help you in the right direction.
Unfortunately for me, I live in FL where there isn't much work with animals... hopefully you don't have the same problem.
Also, this site may help you out as well.

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