Saturday, May 22, 2010

What are gerbils favorite bedding, not a joke?

Wood chips
Never use cedar or pine. The oils in these are skin irritants and bother the animals, also mixed with the ammonia in rodent urine they produce a toxin which permanently and severely damages their lungs.

Aspen is the only wood chip that can be used safely, and even then I don't recommend it. It's expensive, and my hamsters got a fungal infection from it.

Carefresh or other paper-based bedding material is fine.

Remember to avoid "fluffy" beddings that look like cotton candy and are sold for hamsters and other small animals. These are dangerous because they cannot be digested if the animal accidently swallows some, so it will become impacted in the intestines.

Also, gerbils are desert animals. They like to take "sand" baths in a shallow dish with Chinchilla bathing sand. It's a lot of fun - get them some and watch them roll around in it!

Have fun.
Mine enjoy the cardboard they shred off boxes- they love making tunnels through it.
Mine like lots of aspen-they will bury their tunnels in it. I put a hamster litterbox in one of the tunnels and they pretty much use that for a bathroom. (PVC pipe elbows make great tunnels).

the also seem to like wooden boxs for their nests-they are in them more than the plastic igloo things.
dont use cedar, and avoid pine too!

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